Wednesday, March 25, 2009

LovE n cArE...

I caught myself thinking : Why care for people when they don't appreciate your care? Worse still, when they don't even bother that you care. But then again, caring and loving others should not expect anything in return.

Loving and caring for people is what i really like doing. It's like a passion. A passion that burns inside me, that makes me feel happy when someone feels cared for, sometimes even making me cry. Although I have failed many times and it is difficult, but having this passion is something that i really thank God for. I hope and pray that He will enlarge my heart to love and care. That I will love and care like how He does. And that this passion will never die.

Lord, I look to You for strength.

p/s Now I know how it feels koko Jit Pang =P.. Hahahaa......


ezra said...

EH! Just found out that you have a blog. I don't know if you know I have one also but the link is in my messenger sidebar.

I agree, having the passion for something is really great, like your heart is on fire. Praying for such passion leading the LYPG >_<

Beven Lau said...

Hmmmm,hmmm,hmmm, true true,very true,i caught myself thinking the same thing,Why love and care for people when they don't appreatiate you.Why care abt ppl when they dont do the same? ..But i appretiate you Hui Ying.. =D

bryanboo said...

keep this gurl... don ever lose it.. what people need these days is just a pinch of love and a dose of care and concern. Sadly, not many people can do that, and among those who can, not many have the time.. keep it up and shake em' up!

Hui Ying said...

Hey Ezra! Welcome to my blog! Ya! I went to your blog before. =).. Nice blog you have there! Yup! I believe you can do it! All the best, friend!! =)

Hey Beven! Hahaha... Thanks so much ya? =)

Hey future pastor Bryan! Didn't know you visit my blog one o.. Hehe!!! Thanks so much for the encouragement!! You have such a passion too right? Jia You!