Tuesday, April 29, 2008

No Rats???

Today.. My teacher received a phone call during class. She walked out to answer it. And as usual, there were noise around...(talking!talking!talking!). She came in and told us that we can only do our dissection experiment in July. Do you know why???



Haha.. Oklah.. I give you a multiple choice question =)
Q : Why can't the Biology students dissect rats?
A No more rats on earth
B The rats decided not to reproduce
C The pet shop was burnt down
D The rats are contracted with some kind of weird disease

Choose your answer with looking at the answer first. See how smart you can be :D!!

And! Tadah!! The answer is............... C! Haha!!

Hmm... I wonder... The rats rather die in a fire than to die in our hands?? Why? What do you think? Hmm......


Joel Yap said...

Wow. First you talked about fire drill, now rats died in fire.
Interesting isn't it? True or not? Do I sound like Simon Locke?

Hui Ying said...

why do you want to sound like him?